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martes, 5 de octubre de 2010


  1.) Where do you live?
        I live in palaima´s

2.)    where are you from?
         I´m from trujillo 

3.)how old are you?
I have a 20 years old

  4.)  What do you do ?
I´m study in the university urbe

5.) what school do you to  ?
I´m studied Grphic disein at university

6.) What do you like to do ?
I like watching movies, and listening to music.

7.)Whats  your telephone  numer?
My phone numbers are 0424-6545435

8.) Whats your blg link?
my bg link is http://www.ernestojaviermendoza.blogspot.com

9.)Whats your e- mail?
my email is jfgakfla@jfñahfñ.com

10.) Whats your facebook name?
my name on facebook is 

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